Spotlight Studios
Dance Discovery was set up in 2013 by Clare Bungay specialising in RAD ballet, ISTD Tap and Jazz, Hip-Hop and Zumba for ages 18 months to Adults. The main aim of the dance school is fun and enjoyment while working towards RAD & ISTD exams throughout the year. We also have various performance opportunities which we encourage pupils to attend, such as gala days, Christmas fairs and our own annual showcase. Clare graduated in 2004 from Dance For All at the Theatre School in Edinburgh gaining an HND in Professional stage dance along with RAD ballet and ISTD modern and tap teaching qualifications. Recently she has went on to gain a teaching qualification in Highland Dancing, where classes for this will be starting shortly.
Peter's Dance Club - Social Dancing, Wedding Dances Peter's dance club. Social dancing for fun in Dulwich since 1996. Evening and weekend classes.
AV Dance Magic
Burroughs Dance Centre Dance classes, private lessons, events and functions. Learn to dance with us. Try out our fitness classes.
Woking Dance Space Woking Dance Space, dancing for the community. Dance and exercise classes for adults and young people, no matter what their age or previous experience. Working, Surrey, UK, England, Europe.