Music Lessons | Polish Music Centre | England Polish Music Centre offers professional music tuition. Piano lessons, violin, guitar, flute, ukulele, harp, or percussion. Voice coach available.
Liz Hargest | myflutes | Traditional & Suzuki Flute Teacher
John Welch Guitar Lessons Peterborough - Guitar and ukulele lessons in Peterborough Guitar and Ukulele lessons in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Beginner to advanced students of all ages welcome!
Guitar Repair & Restoration - Crossfield Stringed Instruments - Peterborough Guitar luthier based in Peterbourough, specialising in custom repairs, restoration & setups , along with a custom-made guitar service.
About us About us - Ian`s School of Music
Danzfusion - A large clean dance facility based in Woodston, Peterborough offering a wide range of children’s and adults dance and fitness classes.