FK Dance Academy - Street Dance, Ballet, Tap, Dance Crews, Competitions FK Dance Academy offers Street Dance, Ballet, Tap, Dance Crews, Competition teams. Children have the opportunity to perform in main theatres around the Country
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AV Dance Magic
Home | Illusions Dance Academy
Harpenden Dance School - Ballet Pointe Tap Modern Contemporary Jazz Harpenden Dance School Hertfordshire (Herts). Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Modern, Theatre, Contemporary Jazz, adult classes Ballet-Tone, Tap, Jazz.
Home - Vestry School of Dance : Vestry School of Dance
Bright Lights School of Performance and Dramatic Arts is a Registered Limited Company. Whilst at Bright Lights students will be trained to undertake LAMDA examinations, in addition to Festivals, enabling them to experience the spotlight individually as well as collectively. LAMDA Examinations are internationally recognised qualifications, which will prove invaluable for applications to University (UCAS points gained)! Each child will learn more about themselves and life around them. Therefore, honing confidence, communication skills and self-discipline in a fun and creative atmosphere. You will notice children using these transferable skills in their day-to-day lives, which in turn will hold them in good stead for all their future endeavours.