Jonathan Jessop
Drip Dry Drip Dry is an independent record label and recording studio based in Peterborough. We specialise in 1-2-1 tuition, artist development, recording and promotion.
The Beth Cresswell School Of Dance Hello! We're currently working on a few things around here. There's going to be a few changes to the dance school including a new image, new classes and a new website! So watch this space! We have a new booking system in place for all our classes so please click here to book a place with us. For more…
Lets danze | Teaching dance for over six years
We connect arts venues – our Network Members – working strategically to develop the cultural and creative landscape across Lincolnshire. We strengthen the participatory programmes that our venues deliver, adding value to existing work, developing exciting new work and sharing understanding. We work to support, sustain and develop creativity across the whole county.
Breve Music Ltd Musical Instrument retailer based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire specialising in pianos, guitars and pro-audio. Selling products from Yamaha, Casio, Faith, Rathbone, Shergold and many more.