reloved works
Upholsterer Simion Hawtin-Smith is obsessed with vintage chairs. Simion began
Reloved Upholstery because of love. For years he has loved vintage chairs, not
purely on an aesthetic level but also for their silent, dependable
functionality. Here at Reloved, Simion offers bespoke upholstery services
andcreative workshops for budding furniture fanatics. What’s more, Simion also
upholsters skip-salvaged seating for the BBC One show Money for Nothing. Simion
has always been interested in interiors, especially when it comes to making and
restoring things. When he was a child, his mum caught him stripping the dark
stain off his bedroom furniture to bring it back to the pale wood. After
studying design at college, he ended up working in the barindustry, before
opening his own cafe and art gallery in Manchester. He worked hard to perfect
the interior, designing it himself andworking on the upholstery. The challenges
of renovating a house in France, led Simion to learn how to properly upholster
furniture. He met upholsterer Dennis Gilligan, who taught Simion how toupholster
the traditional way. You can read more about the brilliant Dennis in this blog.