Massage and Reiki by Richard Wain Cressinghams Dartford Cressinghams Massage and Reiki for Mind and Body Health, Usui Reiki Ryoho, Angel, Kundalini and Celtic Reiki. Holistic, Swedish, Lomilomi and other massages
DabbourPhysio | London | Stockholm | Physiotherapy | Women's Health DabbourPhysio offer Women's Health and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. DabbourPhysio currently operates in London and Stockholm
Inner Light Yoga & Health Aylesford Kent Top Yoga Studio. Inner Light Yoga & Health Co, Aylesford, Kent, UK. 25 years of Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Coaching, Spirituality, Retreats, Nutrition.
Sports Injury Physiotherapy Treatment | BodyRealm Injury Clinic We treat a variety of everyday and sports injuries, including back and neck pain, sprains and strains, repetitive strain injuries and much more.
Club-K Health and Fitness
About the Clinic | Shaileja Patel Acupuncture & Wellbeing Acupuncture and Functional Medicine helping you to let go of pain, regain health, strength and wellbeing. Fertility support including diet and lifestyle advice.
McLeary Personal Training – Mobile & Online Personal Trainer | Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich
We are a proud school serving students aged 2-19 with Special Educational Needs. Each day our students bring their own unique energy into their school. In turn we ensure that they receive a high quality educational provision delivered through the immensely capable and effective hands of our staff. We recognise that adopting a personalised approach is a critical key for each student’s development. Therefore we invest a significant amount of time assessing the student’s needs – an assessment that ensures we respond in the most specific manner. This approach is repeated throughout their time with us.