Osteopath & Physio in Fleet & Shepperton | Align Osteopathic Clinic We are an osteopath clinic based near Fleet station and Shepperton High Street. We provide sport massage, acupuncture & cranial osteopathy.
Chelsea Centre for Minimally Invasive Gynaecology (CCMIG) provides some of the most innovative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy training courses available. Courses are taught and supervised in London, Online and Internationally by highly experienced laparoscopic consultants. Brand new courses for 2022 programme with hands on and virtual components. Our aim is to bring the best out of tomorrows surgeons by providing leading training courses focussed on practical hands on experience.
Weight Loss & Management – Herbalife Weight loss, find out how to lose weight with diet, exercise, the right supplements, the best foods to eat, and more.