inklusive developments
The Inclusive Bangladesh Development (IBD) is the one of the intelligence
supporting Build Bangladesh. It has commenced its journey by investing in human
capital. IBD is based on the strong foundation of social empowerment, economic
entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability works demonstrated by the
Impress Group through their media stream Channel I over last 16 years. Their
impact based works on agriculture, awareness of health and hygiene among young
girls, campaign supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and social
entrepreneurs, nurturing and rewarding creative and talented young children, men
and women as gateway to the entertainment industry, supporting disadvantaged
children and young people to become future leaders, basic skills development for
girls from remote villages and developing educational games to promote ‘spirit
of Bangladesh’. In addition, it has also been influencing government policy
through its ground breaking media journalism and issues based discussion forums.
IBD has a not for profit role nurturing and promoting skills development (e.g.
vocational education and training), social entrepreneurship and awareness
programs all over Bangladesh. It will operate countrywide and will be
politically and denominationally neutral. It will create opportunities for
corporate sectors, global Bangladeshis and individual investors to invest in
human capital in Bangladesh through various best practice models such as Social
Impact Bonds (SIB), Social Impact Investments (SII) including Corporate Social
Impact Investment (CSII).