the granary arts cafe
The Granary Arts Cafe (C.I.C) is a social action organisation centred around
improving art's & culture provisions. We are an Arts Centre and Coffee Shop
facilitating local community engagement projects. Our mission is to evidence the
importance of arts and culture in a progressive, functioning community. We want
to see communities engaging with the arts, embracing and expressing different
cultures and understanding the impact this has on collective wellbeing. We are
redefining and repurposing the Cafes place in the community! "Grain gathered
together to become greater than the sum of its parts A lot like people I suppose
Nurtured to become something workable, malleable, a lump of clay to mould You
see, a solitary grain can never succeed but when given allies, friends and a
granary you know A grain is a lot like a person I suppose What I’m getting at is
this idea that Unless we unite, unless we collaborate, unless we simultaneously
flow We’ll be that solitary grain, shy of the stars, allowed to plateau But if
placed in a place that allows us to become one, to challenge ourselves, to grow
To get mixed up and rise into an amazing dough Then we’ll discover things about
ourselves that we didn’t even know A lot like grain in a Granary I suppose."