east hunsbury primary school
I am very proud to welcome you to the extraordinary school that is East Hunsbury
Primary School. We are a vibrant, two-form entry school with a 47-place
Specialist Provision. We are a family-focussed, inclusive school who always puts
the children at the centre of everything we do and every decision we make. East
Hunsbury Primary is a school that is dedicated to ensuring every child
experiences success and feels valued and cared for. Although we have the highest
of expectations for all of our pupils, and academic and sporting achievement are
very important to us, we also believe that laughter and kindness are essential
because when children are happy and feel safe, learning is easier. We have an
exceptional curriculum which is complemented by our fantastic welfare and
nurture provision. I hope that our website gives you a flavour of what we are
all about but it is in our school where the magic really happens so I strongly
recommend that you come and visit us ā our door is always open.