access music
People from under-represented / disadvantaged groups will have access to an
innovative programme of music production activities that will help to raise the
aspirations and opportunities of individuals in accessing work in the industry.
Enable under-represented / disadvantaged groups to acquire new skills and
knowledge in technical aspects of recording, mixing, and mastering of music
products. Promoting social inclusion by removing inequalities for individual
people who are predominantly from low income backgrounds and do not have the
same life chances as their more privileged peers. Provide safe spaces for
marginalised groups to come together for self-help, support and information
exchange. Develop discrete campaigns around gender equality in the music
industry Develop case studies of good practice to support diversity for
circulation throughout the sector. Developing a more skilled and suitably
qualified workforce - People will gain confidence, and self-esteem alongside
leadership and enterprise skills. They will have opportunities to mentor their
peers and be involved in the delivery of training, awareness raising workshops.
Disseminating learning to the wider community through the organisation of
community events, presentations in schools, media articles Developing new
partnerships with local businesses, community organisations.