stand and deliver - musical mama
Anne Bradshaw B.Sc(Hons), PGCE (HE), Dip HE Antenatal Education, Fellow of the
Higher Education Authority Registered with The Federation of Antenatal Educators
Level 4 Massage Therapist specialising in Pregnancy Massage Hands on Babies Baby
Massage/Baby Yoga Instructor Anne is a mother and grandmother, with over nearly
30 years experience as a Childbirth and Parenting Educator. Anne has taught over
4500 parents over this time as an Advanced Teacher for National Childbirth
Trust, and as an Independent Childbirth Educator. For three years she held the
post of Parent Education Consultant for the Worcestershire NHS Trust, and during
this time worked on the production of a dvd for Worcestershire County Council
Children's Centres, writing the script for the "Story of Birth". For the past 15
years she has lectured student midwives at University of Worcester, on "Normal
Birth", "Active Birth", "Vocalising in Labour, "Teaching Adults", and "Preparing
to Teach Antenatal Classes". She has also written a chapter on "Teaching
Antenatal Classes - How can Midwives Deliver" (Community Midwifery Practice,
Edwins J, 2008).