Baby Communication Through Music - Asterakia Asterakia is a Greek Music and Movement class for little stars.
Rehearsal and Recording Studio | Hertfordshire | The Practice Roomz Hertfordshire's premier recording and rehearsal studio. Mixing, production and music video services available. Experience 'Practice Made Perfect.'
Saz Saz – Persian Music Instruments Lessons, Repairs and Sale
If you’re searching for an outstanding music class for your child, and facilitators who can give you the personalized attention you deserve, look no further. Anjana is the first person in London to hold a CME:EC, a certificate in music education for the early years. Wendy is a wellbeing practitioner with extensive experience in early childhood education. Together we have been working hard for the last 7 years to create a wonderful concept to deliver music to little people aged 0-5 years old. Specialising in music, movement and mindfulness we take a different approach when introducing children to music. We feel passionately about children experiencing their environment and themselves mindfully and at their own pace.
Emusik - EMUSIK is a UK based music specialist whose aim is to give a fantastic musical experience to all who want it.
Online Music Lessons: Online Music Courses & Virtual Classes Live 1-2-1 Online Music Lessons from experienced teachers who are also highly successful session musicians. RockAcad deliver guitar, drums, bass, singing, piano, music production lessons and more. FREE trial lessons available.
Katie Neilson Music | Little Bees, Early Childhood Music, Teacher Katie Neilson is founder of Little Bees, a Teacher, Mentor, Musician, and Early Childhood Music Education Researcher. Learn more about Katie.
GigGear | Musical Instruments & Accessories - GigGear Huge music shop in Harlow, Essex with drums, guitars, PA, recording, keyboards, pianos, tuition