Woodwind Lessons | North Yorkshire, Skipton, Leeds, | Will Osborn Woodwind lessons & music workshops from leading North Yorkshire musician Will Osborn, for the very best music tuition.
DJ SCHOOL UK - Teaching the World to DJ DJ School UK provide expert DJ Classes and Music Production Classes to people of all ages in Leeds and the Yorkshire region. Get more info here! DJ School UK specialise in primary school and secondary school workshops. The home to DJ Club - DJ Classes for kids aged 9-18 in Leeds.
Chat to our student ambassadors about their experiences of life and studying at Leeds Conservatoire, see what they've been up to, plus find out their answers to common questions.
Piano Lessons from beginner to advanced | Springfield Music Piano Lessons from beginner to advanced. www.springfieldmusic.co.uk
Guitar Lessons In Leeds for Beginners & Improvers – I have been a music tutor in Leeds since 1992. Teaching people to play music is my passion.
Bass Player North Yorkshire - Jake Richard Skipton Bass Player Jake Richard is a bass player, music tutor and music producer based in Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Methera Contemporary traditional music from a ground-breaking string quartet, featuring Lucy Deakin, John Dipper, Emma Reid and Miranda Rutter.
MATTHEW LAZENBY, LEEDS - Piano Teacher, Organist, Accompanist Matthew Lazenby is a piano teacher in Leeds; organist at St Martin's Church, Leeds; and accompanist for music exams, choirs and recitals
LEEDS VIOLIN SCHOOL - lessons for children and adultsME | Leeds Violin School Teachers at Leeds Violin School follow the principles of Suzuki and Kodaly. Lessons for children aged 3+ to retired adults.