We connect arts venues – our Network Members – working strategically to develop the cultural and creative landscape across Lincolnshire. We strengthen the participatory programmes that our venues deliver, adding value to existing work, developing exciting new work and sharing understanding. We work to support, sustain and develop creativity across the whole county.
Jay Stebb Jazz Jay Stebb - Jazz Saxophonist & Educator based in UK. Performs in Jazz Ensembles, Big Bands and Funk & Soul Bands. Provides tuition and resources for Jazz Improvisation.
Lucy's Pop Choir | York | Leeds | H'gate | P'boro | Pocklington | Bradford Reduce stress || Meet new people || Boost your confidence & get back your 'zip-a-dee-doo-dah', all while giving back to your local community. What more could you want from a pop choir?! Book your free taster now!
EMG Management talent, actor, artist and model management Management of actors, artists, models, both adult and child on an International basis.
Performance Arts & Street Dance Classes Stamford | United Arts Academy Street dance is synonymous with modern music is featured in a lot of promotional videos and live performances, Our Street Dance Classes Stamford.