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237 Educators providing Mentoring courses in Potters Bar

Cleverclogs Tutoring

cleverclogs tutoring


Regular Classes Progress is not tracked. No mentoring or motivation. Once the lesson finishes, the learning is over. Quality is not always guaranteed, because it depends on which tutors live in your area. Time and energy wasted travelling to and from classes. Teacher usually talks through the lesson and the students predominately listen. Lesson resources are not shared. Assessments are not regular. Not always one-to-one or small group classes. CleverClogs, the online tutoring company Parents and students have instant 24/7 access to the CC Progress Space. Tutors record observations after every lesson. Free monthly mentoring for each student, to ensure that pupils are motivated and enthused about their learning journey. Lessons are recorded and are accessible 24/7, for revision. Where you live does not affect your access to the best possible tutors. CleverClogs guarantees that each tutor is a subject expert. You can access the world’s best tutors from the comfort of your home. Interactive and enjoyable lessons, focused on school curriculums, with progress at the forefront of each activity. All resources and assessment transcripts are saved in each student’s private CC Progress Space. Monthly assessments are completed to ensure that students understand all topics covered and show clear improvements. One-to-one and small group classes encourage students to ask lots of questions and for confusions to be addressed immediately, hence no pupil is left behind.

Perceptum Education

perceptum education



Perceptum is a young and dynamic international consulting company offering a range of educational training programmes and consultancy services to clients from all over the world. We pride ourselves on our extensive expertise of the academic, business, charity, education, and government sectors and the legal environment in the UK and our networks worldwide. Offering services to business representatives, professionals and students in search of career development initiatives, we specialize in providing individually customised programmes to ensure that our clients realize their full potential. Perceptum has quickly developed into a leading educational and training solutions provider in the UK. Our mantra is a simple one: To provide high quality training solutions for both individuals and companies. We are an independent company established in London to provide high quality training and consultancy services to individuals and organizations within the private and public sector. We put your needs first, using our experience and knowledge in providing clients with advice on choosing educational and/or training programmes, determining the right career path that matches your needs and ambitions. Perceptum will guide you through admissions processes, including all communication with chosen British universities and other educational or professional institutes. We ensure that every problem or issue regarding your career path or your strategic plans will be handled efficiently, privately and appropriately. As a team we will stay in touch with you throughout your stay, ensuring that we are supporting you 100% in all matters affecting you. Our unique value proposition is based on the following: A global mindset; with our location in London and our networks with 120 countries Our multi-faceted services in education and training Our track record in placements and success stories of our clients Our customised mentoring and training methods Our experience in designing and building solutions that offer practical experience as well as extensive knowledge and skills for our clients