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23 Educators providing Mentoring courses in Marlow

Cleverclogs Tutoring

cleverclogs tutoring


Regular Classes Progress is not tracked. No mentoring or motivation. Once the lesson finishes, the learning is over. Quality is not always guaranteed, because it depends on which tutors live in your area. Time and energy wasted travelling to and from classes. Teacher usually talks through the lesson and the students predominately listen. Lesson resources are not shared. Assessments are not regular. Not always one-to-one or small group classes. CleverClogs, the online tutoring company Parents and students have instant 24/7 access to the CC Progress Space. Tutors record observations after every lesson. Free monthly mentoring for each student, to ensure that pupils are motivated and enthused about their learning journey. Lessons are recorded and are accessible 24/7, for revision. Where you live does not affect your access to the best possible tutors. CleverClogs guarantees that each tutor is a subject expert. You can access the world’s best tutors from the comfort of your home. Interactive and enjoyable lessons, focused on school curriculums, with progress at the forefront of each activity. All resources and assessment transcripts are saved in each student’s private CC Progress Space. Monthly assessments are completed to ensure that students understand all topics covered and show clear improvements. One-to-one and small group classes encourage students to ask lots of questions and for confusions to be addressed immediately, hence no pupil is left behind.

Resource Productions

resource productions



We aim to diversify the Creative Sector. We achieve this by identifying, supporting and promoting non-traditional artists and filmmakers who might not otherwise consider a career in the sector. FILM: Through work with such organisations as Aik Saath and SWIPE, our Slough based YES programme provides free workshops in filmmaking open to all 11-25 year olds. ART: With the support of our Arts Council England partners HOME, we run quarterly free Meetups for all aspiring or professional artists aged 18+ alongside our new Arts Forum for leaders across Berkshire. Our clients ranging from BAFTA, BFI, Creative England, BBC, and Channel 4 contract us to devise and deliver regional and national outreach for their own training, recruitment and commissioning programmes. 2.TALENT DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION Our goal is to develop the skills of a diverse talent pool and prepare each individual to progress on to successful paid employment in the creative industry. Through The Creative Collective, our talent development programme comprising a range of accredited and informal bespoke training workshops, as well as our one-to-one personalised Individual Progress Plan support, we ensure progress through networking, mentoring, accredited training as well as exclusive work placements, apprenticeships and connecting with funders. We have project funding from Arts Council England and work closely with NPO theatre company RIFCO. In film, our core partner (since 1999) is Pinewood Studios but we also regularly work with BFI, Screen Skills and Creative England . 3. CREATIVE & COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION From developing individual talent to supporting larger projects ranging from producing a first piece of art, to shooting your first drama, our focus is on producing projects that tell stories from new perspectives not currently seen in the mainstream media or art world. We co-develop, script, shoot and edit high-quality, emotive and engaging, cost-effective documentary, drama, animation and motion graphics and have a talent for connecting charitable and commercial clients. Through our ground breaking partnerships with companies like the BBC, Channel 4 and Disney, we continue to explore and build on new immersive content. We have developed new projects and ways of working through collaborations with global companies like SEGRO and innovative funders like The Rothschild Foundation.

Cox Green School

cox green school



I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the Cox Green School website. It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Headteacher of Cox Green School from 1st January 2022. I have been part of the Senior Leadership Team at Cox Green School since 2018 and I am delighted to have been appointed to lead the school forward, working in partnership with parents and carers. As Headteacher, I will make it my duty to support our students and provide them with opportunities so that they can achieve the highest academic standards and develop their unique talents to the full. It is my belief that our students should be kind, respectful and aim for excellence in all that they do. This for me, characterises the “Cox Green Way”. The education we provide will be in line with these values and will develop your child’s knowledge, understanding and skill set so that they can become highly qualified, responsible citizens, able to participate fully in all parts of the community. My passion has always been to enable every student to fulfil their ambition and find a pathway that motivates and challenges them. We will set high standards in every area of school life so all students have the opportunity to shine and enjoy their time with us. My goal is for Cox Green School to be a community which supports every pupil in ways that are suitable and individual to them; a school where the pupils’ and staff, learning and wellbeing are at the heart of all we do. I am truly excited by what the future holds for the students of Cox Green School and for what we can achieve. I look forward to working with you.

Legacy Education Alliance Uk

legacy education alliance uk


About Legacy Education Alliance Inc. Legacy Education Alliance, Inc is a leading marketer of practical, high-quality, and value-based educational training on the topics of personal finance, entrepreneurship, and real estate strategies and techniques. Legacy Education Alliance was founded in 1996 and has cumulatively served more than five million students from more than 150 countries and territories over the course of its operating history. Legacy Education Alliance, Inc. offers comprehensive instruction and mentorship in the areas of real estate investing, financial instruments investing and personal finance. Our curriculum is designed to help people progress from beginner to educated investor. Legacy Education Alliance, Inc. is committed to bringing the message of financial education to the people of the world. Legacy Education is focused on providing financial, business and career education and mentoring through its four pillars: Legacy Elite, Legacy Building Wealth Club, Legacy Degree and non-profit division, Legacy Open Library. We have seen it all, boom markets, bust markets, flat markets--and we know what it takes to invest in any kind of market. Our experience and dedication help people get started with investing. We have been the driving force behind some of the most successful investing training programs offered in the US and other parts of the globe. Now is the time, more than ever, where our valuable educational training on the topics of Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate and Financial Markets investing strategies and techniques within a supportive community thrives. Our community of like-minded individuals seeking financial freedom builds a solid foundation for everyone to learn from. We are honored that we continue to attract experts, leaders and professionals from various areas of investing. Legacy Education's mission has been to inspire individuals to create their legacy of financial freedom within a supportive community.