This course is for all those working in healthcare. Participants will gain a greater understanding of Clinical Negligence within UK law. The purpose of the session is to raise awareness of the legal framework that applies to healthcare
The course is aimed at everyone working in health and social care that makes decisions for people who may lack capacity and who require a knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and, specifically, the issue of deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLS).
This is a one-day training event to help you: Develop your awareness of mental health issues in the workplace Enable you to act in a timely and constructive way to manage mental health issues that arise in the workplace Enable you to promote and maintain good mental health in your working environment It covers: Mental health statistical overview; most prevalent mental health problems, contributing factors, effects on productivity and the costs of mental ill-health Signs and symptoms of prevalent mental health conditions; 3 key indicators for all mental health problems Stigma; what it is and how it affects people Mental health legal and statistical overview: facts & figures, most prevalent mental health problems, aspects of the law, policy and procedural issues and guidelines for best practice Pro-active and constructive principles and strategies to manage mental health issues, to support colleagues who may be vulnerable to mental ill-health, and promote mental wellbeing This workshop will give you: Awareness of the key indications of mental ill-health Recognition of the prevalence and effects of stigma Knowledge of the wider picture; legal context Greater understanding and confidence to act constructively to support individuals who are vulnerable to mental ill-health The ability to take steps to actively promote mental-well-being in the workplace
Mental Health "First Aid" Training
Leading mental health for supervisors, team leaders and managers is about leading your team and mental health first aiders to a healthy productive way, increasing respect, getting a mutual understanding for todays and tomorrows workforce.
First Aid for Youth Mental Health Training - Level 2 Youth Mental Health Course - Professional Training in Mental Health First Aid - Essex Mental Health Training - Youth Mental Health Courses - Bespoke Mental Health Training for Businesses - Teachers Mental Health Training - RQF Mental Health Training
LPS was introduced in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and is designed to simplify the process of authorising the care and treatment of a person who lacks capacity to consent to it, where it constitutes a deprivation of liberty. The LPS system introduces new structures, roles, and responsibilities for organisations so it is essential that staff and managers understand the implementation of LPS.
This course enables providers and their staff to develop an understanding of the responsibilities and duties around the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). This essential training is for workers involved in the care, treatment and support of adults who may lack capacity in making life decisions. This training offers vital support for social care providers, so they comply with the Mental Capacity Act and Care Quality Commission requirements and promote human rights.