focus training (uk) ltd
UK businesses are open to a variety of risks, chief of which are fraud, theft,
and criminal activity. Protect your assets with effective fraud awareness
training and investigation training solutions from Focus Training (UK) Ltd. Our
comprehensive range of training and solutions include fraud prevention &
detection, as well as the teaching of skills to source and analyse intelligence
effectively. These courses result in business owners being able to increase
their own security measures in areas which have been established as lacking.
Some of our clients include government departments and multi-national
corporations across hundreds of companies, which is a testament to the
effectiveness of all of our courses. Since our foundation in 1997, we have risen
to become one of the UK’s leading providers of such courses. Fraud, theft, and
criminal activity can occur in any organisation, and we work with businesses
both large and small to resolve cases that have had a significant negative
impact on business. The extensive range of courses available are designed to
give you the tools to respond to threats before they take place. Book one of our
intelligence, investigation, or fraud courses online now or head over to our
contact page to speak to one of our advisors directly.