Lalki - Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Meditation - Didsbury, Manchester Lalki holistic therapy - Didsbury - Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, Meditation, Access bars, Child and Parent sessions in Didsbury, Manchester.
I'm here to support you on your path of self-mastery to unlock a greater depth of holistic healing, self-empowerment & to embody your divinity. Join the tribe and book a free discovery call today.
Trafford Alternative Education | Trafford Alternative Education
Integrated Mindfulness
Work 4U Solutions - Quality Staffing and Training Solutions W4U Solutions provides quality staff and training solutions across the UK primarily within the Health and Social care sector.
Global Policing Limited — Global Policing Limited Working with you to create a safer world. We offer support, training and data protection services to education and SMEs.