Acupuncture |Massage|Cupping|Personal Trainer| Meridian Movement Meridian Movement specializes in rehabilitation using a mixture of mobility exercise, acupuncture, moxibustion, and cupping using both western and eastern medical philosophy. He has a level 2 & 3 qualifications in personal training and a science degree with honours in chinses medicine.
About the Clinic | Shaileja Patel Acupuncture & Wellbeing Acupuncture and Functional Medicine helping you to let go of pain, regain health, strength and wellbeing. Fertility support including diet and lifestyle advice.
Amethyst Radiotherapy UK is a private healthcare provider specialising in delivering stereotactic radiosurgery with Gamma Knife, operating two highly specialised Centres of Excellence in the United Kingdom - Queen Square Radiosurgery Centre in London and Thornbury Radiosurgery Centre in Sheffield. Gamma Knife radiosurgery is a cutting-edge, non-invasive procedure that delivers highly focused beams of radiation to precisely target brain lesions. personal training nutrition strength fat loss programs World class Personal training, exercise, certified sports nutritionist & functional medicine services. Strength & fat loss programs. Female fat loss program and C.E.O, business executive health & fitness. James Heagney Education.
Spinal Backrack - Unique Patented Technology To Treat Back Pain Treat the cause of back pain using innovative Backrack technology came from the Harley Street specialists with over 40 years of clinical experience!
Home - Debate Chamber Academic Summer Schools and Short Courses for students aged 11-18: Law, Medicine, Economics, Maths, Physics, Philosophy, History, Literature and more.
Healing with Yoga for embodied living with Pippa Graham is Yoga taken gently and deeply, guiding you home to your whole self. I offer enjoyable, transformative Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation for beginners and improvers. I run workshops in North London, regular weekly zoom/in-person classes for Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation, zoom courses for Yoga and Mindfulness and one-to-one Yoga on zoom/in-person. I have been teaching for 30 years and although I draw on many different resources, my work is Scaravelli inspired and deeply somatic. By this I mean, you don't have to be able to touch your toes and get everything right! Whilst I give clear and detailed instructions, you are invited to simply feel and experience what is happening in your body as we move or sit. This is about moving into your own presence, out of your head and into your heart. I also integrate Energy Medicine inspired by Prune Harris and Donna Eden. I have trained with the Inner Yoga Trust, Birthlight and Mindfulness CIC and have practiced yoga since I was a teenager.
Personal Trainer | Ricardio PT | London Personal Training Service, Vauxhall, Stockwell, Chelsea, Nine Elm, Battersea, Wandsworth Road, Brixton, RicardioPT, Nutritional Advices, Diet, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain