Personal Trainers in Maidenhead, Reading, Newbury & Basingstoke A team of Personal Trainers in Maidenhead, Reading, Newbury and Basingstoke. Trusted by 350+ Clients - Free First Session!
SP Fitness Therapy – Sports Massage Therapy and PT Reading Based Sports Massage Therapy & Run Coach 10 years of experience in the fitness industry; specialist in S&C and sports massage therapy helping runners, sports people and gym goers to be healthy and injury free. Why SP Fitness? Learn the secrets to get you in the best shape of your life whilst staying injury…
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Corinda – Pilates Classes, Wedding Dance Lessons and Reiki Healing
Weight-loss coaching for comfort-eaters | Nuway Health Coaching NuWay Health Coaching helps comfort eaters and late-night snackers to transform the way they think about food so that they can finally reach their weight-loss goals, become the boss of their food-cravings and trust themselves around food again, WITHOUT dieting ever again.