Welcome to Beaulieu Natural Health and Nutrition Clinic - New Forest Health and Nutrition Clinic and Consultancy Beaulieu Beaulieu Natural Health and Nutrition clinic New Forest Hampshire
Back On Track PT | Focusing On Your Performance
Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic - Therapeutics Southampton Therapeutics is based in Southampton, Hampshire offering physiotherapy, sport injury treatment, gait analysis, sports massage, pilates classes and a gym.
Since 1996 MLD Training Ltd has provided the highest standard of education in the Dr. Vodder method of manual lymph drainage (MLD) and decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT) available in the UK and we continue to do so! We offer all courses in the Dr Vodder method, taught by highly qualified and experienced tutors from England and Austria. MLD Training Ltd is the only organisation in the UK that can start you at Level 1, take you through Level 2 and then support you through Level 3. In addition, you have the option of taking your courses at different times of the year giving you maximum flexibility in when you get your training.
Osteopathy and You Welcome to Osteopathy and you. We offer Osteopathic treatment, Pilates and Rehabilitation exercise correction. Phone: 07421995932 Email: info@osteopathyandyou.com Measures for COVID at Osteopathy and You Please contact us before your appointment if you develop a new cough, high temperature and loss taste and/or sense of smell . Wear masks to your appointment Your Osteopath is…