Acupuncture |Massage|Cupping|Personal Trainer| Meridian Movement Meridian Movement specializes in rehabilitation using a mixture of mobility exercise, acupuncture, moxibustion, and cupping using both western and eastern medical philosophy. He has a level 2 & 3 qualifications in personal training and a science degree with honours in chinses medicine.
Ashtanga Yoga, Yogahiit, Private, Semi private, Wellness Coach Andrea Symons, Andyoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yogahiit Fitness Yoga, Anti-Ageing Face Yoga, Private and semi private. Wellness coach
ELLA TEKDAG – Counselling Services, London
Reikitrainings. – Reiki courses and healing Welcome to my site! This site is all about your learning and development and how you could use Reiki to support personal and professional development. Welcome to Reiki Trainings, you will have access to different levels of Reiki courses, new experiences with rich learning processes and treatment options here. This is your opportunity to start…
Cognitive Hypnotherapy London, Stop Smoking Hypnosis London - Hypnotherapist London, Harley Street hypnotherapy Caring, professional hypnotherapy in Harley St and North London with registered hypnotherapist Mark Davis, for smoking, anxiety etc. Satisfaction guarantee. Using hypnosis, meditation, stress reduction and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
The Dental School is a dental training company that offers courses to aspiring Dental Nurses to help towards getting their first placement in a practice or an already qualified Dental Nurse looking to further their knowledge. The Dental School prides itself on working with dedicated and driven people, who want to succeed. These two foundations form the basis that allow the industry leading experts at The Dental School, to deliver the very best dental training possible. We are proud to have experienced, professional tutors on board who will help to guide you on your way to passing your Dental Nurse course with flying colours!
Award-Winning Luxury Wellness, Rejuvenation & Detox Retreats by Bodhimaya Award-Winning Luxury Wellness Retreats and Personalised Nutritional Therapy. Contact us at our Harley Street clinic today.