creative education associates
Creative is an international development organization dedicated to supporting
people around the world to realize the positive change they seek.PAKISTAN
Reading Project Pakistan is one of the few countries where illiteracy rates are
actually increasing. Government statistics show that primary school enrollment
is only 66 percent, which means some 7.2 million children are not in classrooms.
The Pakistan Reading Project is a national program aimed at improving the
quality of reading education in more than 23,000 public schools. It is funded by
the U.S. Agency for International Development. Under the International Rescue
Committee’s purview, along with 10 local and international partners, Creative is
delivering high-quality pre-service teacher education, training and professional
development with an explicit focus on teaching reading. It will improve
management throughout the education system through policy support and enhanced
information, planning and monitoring systems. Complementing education
initiatives by the Pakistan government, USAID and other international partners,
the Pakistan Reading Project will promote a culture of reading nationally by
improving organizations’ abilities to promote educational research, advocacy and
reform, as well as expanding the number of colleges and universities offering
rigorous teacher training and specialized education degrees. The Pakistan
Reading Project will advance and develop the reading instruction skills of
94,000 teachers over the next five years and is expected to reach 3.2 million
boys and girls with improved reading programs. The program will specially target
underserved rural communities where access to elementary education is limited.