qurious education
Unsure about how to write an Economics personal statement? We hope to point out
what to include in an Economics personal statement in this article...Learning
should be enjoyable due to the natural curiosity we have as humans. Sadly,
students often lose it somewhere along the way. Sometimes its because we can’t
see how our lives can relate to what we’re learning, and at other times it comes
down to the immense pressure that students face in meeting expectations. In this
day and age of rapid technological change, to not learn is equivalent to being
extinct. Our mission at Qurious Education is to provoke curiosity in students
toward their studies – to help them learn better through motivation, whilst
coping with grades and expectations. We do this in a variety of ways: from
providing practical but interesting resources on our site, to offering private
tuition and admissions advice to fund our mission. Streaming free live classes
is our newest initiative, where we aim to promote learning in an environment
outside of the traditional classroom. We are based in London, and hope to meet
you in-person or online!