west gate school
‘This a school where everyone makes sure that pupils’ well-being and safety come
first.’ (Ofsted 2021). If you visit us, you will meet our inspiring, articulate
and friendly pupils who make such a positive contribution to school life. They
are encouraged to succeed by a committed staff team, who put the children at the
centre of all they do. Our vision for every pupil (and staff member) is for them
to achieve their potential, so they can be their best. We aim to create a safe,
fun, and supportive environment that inspires everyone to learn and develop.
West Gate is a popular, over-subscribed setting for 180 4 – 19-year-olds, with a
range of learning needs. Our pupils have moderate to severe learning
difficulties, autism spectrum conditions, profound and multiple learning
difficulties, SEMH and highly complex needs. We moved into our new building in
2014 and have a range of excellent facilities to support a rich and diverse
curriculum offer. We work with a range of specialist practiti