bright pi education consultancy
At Bright Pi we are passionate about supporting all those involved with the
teaching and learning of mathematics; raising standards and helping all to
achieve their best in the early years and primary phases. Based in the Midlands,
we form a highly regarded team with wide ranging experience and up to date
skills providing support to schools across the UK. The team has taught across
the early years and primary age range and all have experience in local authority
school improvement working with teachers, leaders and other stakeholders. Having
worked as regional co-ordinators for the National Centre for Excellence in the
Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), Bright Pi maintains a close working
relationship with the NCETM delivering their ever-evolving national
‘Professional Development Lead’ programme. We are proud to work alongside other
partner organisations including the National Maths Hub Network. We play a key
role on the strategic board for our local hub and lead on the Mastery Readiness
programme for the Origin Maths Hub. This supports those schools starting their
journey in Teaching for Mastery, as well as those developing their practice. In
addition, Bright Pi has also provided operational external key stage 1
moderation for the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), monitoring practice in
various local authorities across the country. We are accredited by NCETM as
Professional Development Leads and support individual schools as well as
networks with bespoke packages of support, tailored to specific need and
context. Bright Pi also offers CPD sessions for all those involved in
mathematics education, supporting improvement in both subject and pedagogical
knowledge. We are keen to raise the profile of mathematics as a subject and
enjoy working with parents, governors and the wider community.