Welcome to SKMS - Scottish Krav Maga Systems - Krav Maga in Glasgow Stay Safe, Get Fit, Hit Hard! - Official IKMF Krav Maga classes in Glasgow for Adults & Kids. SKMS makes Krav Maga accessible, affordable and fun.
Hybrid Fight Academy, founded in 2003 by Guru George Johnston has grown to become one of the UK's leading authorities in real combat arts. Our instructors regularly travel throughout Europe conducting seminars and teaching instructors around the world their art.
Sanchin Aikido UK is a study group dedicated to learning the Japanese martial art of aikidō. The group is based out of Paisley (Scotland), and currently trains twice a week on Sundays and Fridays at the Floor4orce Dance Academy (Unit 12) in the Sir James Clark Building.
This is a double year posting to cover the gradings over the last year, minimised due to the pandemic. Nonetheless many congratulations to: 3rd Dan 12/2022 – Roman Biek 12/2021 – Carolyn Cowan 5th Kyu 12/2022 – Sebastien Bozek