Cardiff Kung Fu Academy | Learn Kung Fu In Cardiff Welcome to Cardiff Kung Fu Academy. We teach traditional Southern Shaolin Kung Fu in Cardiff. Our goal is to promote the traditional martial art of Kung Fu.
Gwent Junior Karate Gwent Junior Karate Intro Page
Home South Wales, Welsh, Aikido, AikiJo, Aikiken, IOA, Institute of Aikido
Welcome to The St. Athan Jitsu Club - Paul Lewis Community Center The St. Athan Jitsu Club was founded in May 2016. We train on Friday nights in the Paul Lewis Community Centre, in St Athan village.
Kobe Osaka International, Shukokai Karate and Tommy Morris
Taekwondo Wales | Olympic Taekwondo Newport Taekwondo Wales is the site of Phoenix Taekwondo. WTF Olympic style Taekwondo in Newport South Wales. All ages and all abilities are very welcome. Tel: 07711 108037