champions mindset academy
Many parents fail to see the value sports provide our kids in preparing them for
life, such as building confidence. Making commitment & following through with
decisions. Understanding teamwork and building relationships in a competitive
environment. Gaining respect for themselves and others. Dealing with fears.
Learning how to win and succeed. And more importantly how to bounce back when
things don’t go to plan. Don’t be put off by words such as “mental toughness” as
you can see from the benefits above these are nothing more than life skills that
your son/daughter can use in every area of their life. As a parent myself i know
first hand how well this training works, having used the same techniques with my
own daughter as she overcame her own fears to accomplish winning 3 All-Ireland
athletic medals. **(Now currently 5 All-Ireland athletic medals!) From my office
here in County Tipperary, Ireland we can work in person or we can work ONLINE
WORLD WIDE. I look forward to helping you to achieve your goals.