On Thursday 11th November 1937 a group of like-minded men met at a house in Sir Hiltons Road, West Heath. They had come together to discuss the lack of social and recreational activities in the new West Heath estate. That night a decision was made to form the West Heath Residents Association. Meeting a fortnight later, it was proposed that the name be changed to the West Heath Community Association. Since then much has happened.
Home Kai Ming Association teach Cheng Man Ching style Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong at regular classes, throughout the Midlands, covering all aspects from gentle exercise and stress management through to the more martial aspects
womensboxingclub "These tough Brummie lasses make BoxNation proud" (BoxNation) Introducing WBC Women's Boxing Club. When Nicola Adams became the first woman to box in the Olympics London 2012 for GB, she won the gold medal. At the same Olympics Ireland's Katie Taylor made History by winning Gold. Making her the greatest sports woman ever in Ireland.…
Kalkomat Manufacturer of coin operated amusement machines including boxers, kickers, kiddie rides, hammers. Supplier of air hockeys, basketballs.