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Ren Shin Kan is a centre of excellence for Aikido headed by Gordon Jones 7th Dan Shihan and Philip Smith 7th Dan Shihan. It is recognised and registered as such by both the Joint Aikikai Council and Dudley MBC and all instructors are fully qualified and CRB checked. Ren Shin Kan follows the Safeguarding in Martial arts code.
Welwyn Garden City Amateur Boxing Club
Berkshire boxing | Fighters Republic Boxing Gym Slough | Eton The Fighters Republic is a high-quality community boxing gym for all levels and ages. Located at the Thames Valley Athletics Centre in Berkshire (Slough / Eton). Head coached by Ian Bailey, former Southern Area Champion and 2 x English Title Contender.
The Empress Building & Ballroom Historic Imposing former 1920s ornate ballroom and dance hall, available for events, weddings, and private functions