Jeet Ki Do Vo Lac Hong Dao kids and adults serious martial arts classes
Shodan Karate Academy Shodan Academy is one of the best Karate schools in the country. Indianapolis - Greenwood, Indiana
Andrew Rheeston Martial Arts - Traditional Karate, Kali, Thai Boxing & JKD Traditional Karate, Kali, Thai Boxing and JKD classes in Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham. Home of MKG Birmingham.
Yu Kang Do – Korean Martial Art Welcome to Yu Kang Do Martial Arts I have put together all of my 48 years of experience and knowledge of the martial arts into one complete system of Self-Defence. I teach the `Combat Applications` of the Forms that we practice and everything you learn, works in a real life conflict situation . I only…
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Pitbull MMA Coventry Nuneaton & Bedworth Kickboxing Karate Taekwondo Jiu jitsu Boxing Grappling Muay Thai Self Defence Mixed Martial Arts