Carnforth Karate Club – Wado Ryu Karate in Carnforth and surrounding areas.
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ラフティング 比べて損なし!今なら驚愕の半日3900円~|BIGSMILE 埼玉長瀞,東京奥多摩,岐阜長良川,京都保津川,四国吉野川で開催。楽しく安心、比べて納得のお値段。休日はビックスマイルでラフティング!
Home Defence4 is a Personal Safety and Defence system. What sets us apart from many other systems is that ours is a ‘Defensive system’ not a ‘fighting system’, our techniques are taught in a variety of sectors including; Care, Education and Security. All of the techniques are risk assessed to the required ICM standard. We deliver a complete Personal safety and Self Defence system and offer Train the Trainers courses and Nationally Accredited Trainer’s Qualification.
Tani-ha Shito-Ryu Kofukan Karate Information Website This is a comprehensive information site for Tani-Ha Shito-ryu Kofukan Karate-do. it is maintained by members of Kofukan England.