Mckenzie BJJ - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Crawley Learn the most effective self-defence martial art in the world
Home - Kuk Sool Wonβ’ of Claygate
Dorking Freestyle Sport Kickboxing | Martial Arts Club in Dorking Dorking FS Kickboxing is a family-friendly martial arts club established in 1993. We teach ages 4+ through a blend of traditional Karate and modern Kickboxing.
A Warm Welcome - Makotokan Aikido
Southside Kings Fight Academy | Croydon Based off Purley way near Croydon, we hold jiu jitsu classes for Adult and kids. First class always free! All levels are welcome - get in touch !#southsidekings #ssk
Home | Kung Fu And Tai Chi Academy
Biggin Hill Judo Club