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RINGECK's Roughnecks medieval martial arts site, decicated to German manuscript from Sigmund Ringeck. Practice of longsword (long sword), two handed sword, shiedl and buckler.
Tai Chi Globe Tai Chi Globe Home Page
Dragon Spirit Ju-Jitsu – Aylesbury based Ju-Jitsu classes for all ages! We are a Ju-Jitsu school running classes based in Aylesbury, United Kingdom since 2004, welcoming all ages and abilities. Ju-Jitsu is a traditional Japanese martial art derived from the unarmed combat techniques used by the Samurai of medieval Japan. We run 2 classes, one for children and one for adults. The children’s class is for…
Brunel University Kung fu – Shaolin Gao Can Mun Nam Pai Chuan Classes are now on Monday's, 9-11pm and Friday's, 8-10pm in the Amenity Building, Isambard Complex.
Ward Brothers – Muay Thai, Kickboxing and Fitness in Chesham
IMPAKT - Institute Modern Practically Applied, Kickboxing, Karate, Thai boxing, Contact us - Home - IMPAKT Kickboxing Martial arts, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Letchworth, Stevenage