社会福祉法人 和心会 | 歳を重ねることは、豊かだ。 一人ひとりに異なる身体と心、バックグラウンドを考慮し、「今」と「これから」をつくっていく。それが介護の役割であると私たちは信じています。ナラティブアプローチ、自立支援といった取り組みを進めていきます。
Taekwon-Do in Didcot Oxfordshire
Oxford Sword and Staff HIstorical European Martial Arts in Oxford. Learn to fight at the Oxford Sword and Staff www.oxfordhema.co.uk
East Oxford Shotokan karate club
Amitoufu Oxford | Shaolin School of Martial Arts in Oxford
Headington TAGB – Oxford's No.1 Tae Kwon-Do Club Tae Kwon Do in Oxford with Headington TAGB Great Britains biggest and best TaeKwon-Do association! The TAGB has 600 schools across Britain with over 20,000 licensed members. TAGB is affiliated with TaeKwon-Do international and is a member of the British Taekwon-Do council which is backed by the British Sports Council. The TAGB has regular championships…
Self Defence Oxford Modern Self Defence Classes in Oxford Krav Maga Self Defence Oxford Modern Krav Maga and Fitness. Train Modern Self Defence Oxford, Classes for Men, Women, Children and Teenagers (Girls and Boys).