Kung Fu and Kickboxing, Adults and Kids kung fu and kickboxing, classes taught for kids, juniors, teens and adults
Martial Arts | Dynamix Martial Arts & Fitness Centre | England Dynamix Martial Arts & Fitnesss is a family run freestyle kickboxing and traditional martial arts school in the Heart of Hinckley, Leicestershire
Finest boxing training clubs in Leicester
CKI School of Martial Arts – Serving our local community CKI School of Martial Arts is home to some of the world's best fighters. Leading the way with many World Championship and Fitness Awards, the club supports hundreds of children every year, not only helping to improve their fitness, but also teaching them discipline and helping them to understand the importance of a supportive community.…
RGA Leicester
Etwall Kickboxing, Thursdays, Juniors & Adults - Etwall, Derbyshire UK Kickboxing class for ages 5 upwards, currently 5 -13 years old 7pm-8pm, 14 years - Adults 8pm-9pm on Thursdays, Etwall Leisure Centre.