MC Kali Group - Martial Arts Club in Wigan | MCKG Mel Corrigan's Kali Group martial arts club in Wigan specialises in Combat Submission Wrestling and BJJ, Kali, Jeet Kune Do, STX Kickboxing & Panantukan.
Family Karate Clubs | Tang Soo Do Family Karate Clubs is fun, friendly Tang Do Soo Karate for children and adults. We offer all new students and beginners a 2-week free trial.
The Door Home -
Tenei-na Karate – A family friendly Karate Club
Franks Team – MAA, Boxing & Personal Training Manchester
ACQB TAEKWONDO We are a training ground for traditional taekwondo of all levels from ages 5+, as well as for elite olympic-style sparring athletes. We customise our high-performance approach to each player from cadets (12+) to world class seniors.