Traineeships with Pathway Group A traineeship is a skills development programme that includes a work placement. You can offer a trainee work experience in your business as part of their traineeship.
I am delighted you want to find out more about Bordesley Green Girls School and Sixth Form. Take a look around our website and do get in touch if there are any questions we haven't answered. We are proud of our students and of our school. Our students are highly ambitious and from our Sixth Form they move onto the UK's top Universities or to Apprenticeships in some of the country's leading companies.
Senior Mental Health Lead training is a two-day fully funded course that provides a designated senior leader at your setting with the tools to develop a positive whole school or college approach to wellbeing and mental health. It is based on some of the principles and underpinning evidence contained in Building Belonging by Cathal Show More Leadership Training and Support We provide a rich programme of leadership programmes, training and support that are predicated on ambitious ethical leadership. School Finance We provide schools we financial support that will ensure more of the schools funding goes to where it is needed...the students!
Tom Cooper
West Midlands Business Coaching firm ranked Top in the UK West Midlands Business Coaching firm, ranked No1 in the UK. ActionCOACH Black Country. Marketing, profit growth, sales, management consultants
The Workskills programme is designed to help young people develop the skills, knowledge and qualifications needed to get into work
Through our team of experienced and highly motivated specialists, we are able to design development programmes to suit a wide range of needs. We deliver training solutions both on-site, and at our training and development centre in the West Midlands In-Comm believe in maintaining the highest standards; we are accredited to ISO 9001:2008 and are a recognised Investors in People organisation. Each project we undertake is controlled by one of our skilled project managers, who meets with you on a regular basis to review progress. In addition to our full suite of solutions for business, In-Comm also have a specialised team focused on providing Modern Apprenticeship schemes to school leavers.
Health and social care, child care diploma, mandatory training, bespoke course, business administration, EDI plc, Vocational courses, Evergreen Academy,
Performance Through People are one of the Leading providers in the West Midlands Region, supporting employers, individuals and communities offering local solutions with national coverage, delivering apprenticeships, bespoke commercial courses and a range of government funded training programmes to suit the needs of our customers, whoever they may be. In May 2020 we were delighted to join the BCTG Group, expanding on our delivery portfolio and providing even more opportunities for our clients and staff.
Primus offers holistic solutions and world-class services for enterprise IT. We specialize in offering the expertise of our highly-qualified consultants from our pool of international and local SAP-certified professionals.We offers one of the best SAP services in Indore & Pune along with other parts of the globe. Our domain knowledge, along with in-depth SAP consulting experience, is considerable. We have gathered a lot of experience in process consulting and adapting business processes to SAP. We are the perfect amalgamation of talent & technology, the best of both the worlds to deliver world-class service to our esteemed clients.