Our courses are developed to meet the needs of your business and can be delivered when most convenient to you.
Clarity Network - Penkridge Coaching and Training Professional and personal coaching, presentation training and project management consultancy in Penkridge, Staffordshire.
We pride ourselves on offering a first class service professional consultancy service in Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental Management and ISO certification for our clients. Our team of professional consultants take a practical and pragmatic approach to developing management systems so that they work to your benefit. Over the years, this approach has helped hundreds of clients achieve ISO certification and in turn win additional business.
Karan graduated from the University of Salford in 2006 with a First Class Honours degree in Health Sciences. During her final year she conducted research for Dementia UK (then known as Fordementiaplus) exploring South Asian carers’ experiences of services in Wolverhampton when caring for a family member with dementia. This research led to her doctoral study at Keele University which explored how migration experiences impact upon caring for a person with dementia in the Sikh community in Wolverhampton. This biographical study highlighted challenges with access to, and experience of, health and social care services in the UK – with such experiences being strongly linked to their experiences as migrants in the UK.
The investment at the course will include a refurbished clubhouse, a new 9-hole golf course, driving range and an 18-hole footgolf course. The works will see the current course and clubhouse close as of 6th January 2020.
CPC Training Solutions | Keeping drivers legal and CPC Training Solutions specialise in a wide range of driver CPC, first aid, forklift and warehouse management accredited courses.
Home management consultants in IT, telecoms, audio-visual, screens, projectors, phones, radio, wireless and all forms of communications technology
Quantum Archers was founded in 2002 by a group of people from a night school archery class. The reason they formed the club was so that they could be affiliated to the Grand National Archery Society (GNAS), the County of Warwickshire Archery Association (CWAA) and the West Midlands Archery Society (WMAS), and enter competitions. At the club’s Annual General Meeting in 2004 a new Management Committee was elected and a new constitution adopted. The club continued to be run from the night school class, however children were then able to join via ‘Family Learning’ classes. In 2005, Quantum Juniors was registered as a separate club to take advantage of the GNAS Junior Club subscription arrangements. The junior club is managed and run as part of the senior club.
A manufacturer of innovative fire protection solutions that are truly changing the industry. Project Fire are manufacturers of innovative fire protection solutions that are truly changing the industry. Eradicating inefficient and wasteful practises are key aspects of our philosophy. Our products ensure more effective system and procedures for testing, management and monitoring of fire sprinkler systems, helping to create smarter, safer and more sustainable buildings.
All of the courses offered undergo vigorous checks by the awarding bodies to ensure they meet the high standards they require. The courses are independently accredited by established awarding organisations giving you qualifications such as GCSE, A Level, Cache and TQUK.