sorbus learning
To lead change by nurturing the skills needed to create, restore, maintain and
improve places for wildlife. To influence behaviour through our motivational
outdoor experiences of the natural world and wildlife. To change lives by
connecting people to nature and thereby improving their health and wellbeing.
Working together We lead change by working with others to form collectives that
plan, resource and deliver sustainable community-based projects that benefit
people and wildlife. We influence behaviour by planning and delivering courses
and workshops about ecology, conservation, countryside skills and rural crafts
that are of community interest. We change lives by creating, restoring,
maintaining and improving habitats for wildlife and conserving natural green
places and historic landscapes for people. Growing wild Wilding is a concept of
making space for nature and encouraging wildlife back to the landscape. It is
restoring natural processes to our countryside, reviving degraded habitats,
reintroducing depleted or missing species and allowing our ecosystems to become
naturally self-regulating again. Nature is an intricate web of interactions that
enrich our lives, help nourish the natural environment and give our planet a
greater capacity to cope with human impact. We encourage our learners to connect
with nature by growing wild plants and making space for wildlife in their
gardens and green spaces. Learning outdoors We promote outdoor learning as a way
to discover, engage with and learn about the natural world and wildlife. Our
learning experiences will nurture your skills and help you change behaviours
through direct engagement with the natural world. We help communities, groups,
families and individuals reflect about themselves, learn about each other and
connect with nature. The motivating experiences you have with us will be a
catalyst for your learning, personal development, health and well-being. Our
promise is... " To strive to be global citizens by being aware of and
understanding nature, the wider world and our place in it. As individuals and
teams we will be active in our local communities, and work together and with
others to make peoples lives smarter, healthier, safer, fairer and greener."