limit break lifestyle
Shedding light on some of the misinformation, half-truths, and concepts that
aren’t really accurate in the spiritual and personal development world. You’re
interested in what actually works - what will get you real tangible results in
life, and you want the Truth, so that you can create a life of freedom, love and
mastery - A life with no limits! That’s exactly what Ich and Jono will be
sharing with you - premises that they have discovered over the years, and have
applied in their life and in business - premises that actually work, and why
they work. So kick-back, open your mind, and be prepared to be enlightened.
“Bridging Science and Spirituality together.” Within this book you will learn
about the 5 stages of life’s journey and identify which stage you are currently
at. This allows you to discover exactly where you currently are in life,
anticipate what is coming next and know what it takes to get there. This book
will show you how you can take back ownership of your life, reclaim your
personal power, identify what you truly love, and to live The Limit Break
Lifestyle. “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are
heading” Lao Tzu