saint mary magdalene catholic primary school
Our Mission Statement “Growing Together in Faith & Love” is evident from the
moment anyone enters our school. Our mission statement is central to everything
we do. Our ethos is founded upon it in our daily school lives both pupils and
staff are witness to it. We strive to be a community of resilience and
compassion. We endeavour to live our lives like Jesus, being an example to
others. To this end, our pupils are encouraged and supported to live out their
faith by treating others kindly and supporting those less fortunate than
themselves locally, nationally and internationally. Our curriculum and policy
are also formulated in the light of our mission statement. Each child is valued
as unique and is treated with dignity. All in our community are treated with
respect, each is a valued member. We want our pupils to be excellent citizens
who can contribute to society. We encourage and support our community’s faith
formation. We encourage our children to aspire for excellence in all things, be
excellent learners and to have the confidence to access challenges whilst never
losing sight of the gospel values we strive to live by.