czech centre london
The Czech Centre's mission is to actively promote Czechia by showcasing Czech
culture, innovations and creativity in the UK.
Its programme covers visual and performing arts, film, literature, music,
architecture, design and fashion, science and social innovations. As well as
hosting its own events, the Czech Centre offers support for other groups
organising intercultural initiatives among Czech and UK partners.
The Czech Centre also seeks to further enhance cultural relationships between
the UK and Czechia through curatorial visits, media tours and artistic
residencies; helping to generate creative dialogue among artists, scholars,
scientists and cultural activists from both countries. The Centre promotes
instruction of Czech language and provides series of certified Czech language
courses and exams.
The Czech Centre, a contributory organization of the Czech Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, opened in London in 1993. The Czech Centre is part of a worldwide
network of 28 branches across four continents including the Czech Houses in
Jerusalem and Bratislava. The Czech Centre was a founding member of the EUNIC
cluster in London and currently presides its activities.
The Office of the General Commissioner of the Czech participation at the General
World Exposition EXPO has been part of the Czech Centres’ network since January
2023. The two institutions seek to deepen their cooperation through the merger
and to create even greater synergies in the presentation of the Czech Republic
abroad. For more information on the Czech participation in EXPO 2025, please