wardley primary school
Together, we are committed to creating a supportive environment, built on care
and respect, in which all children are encouraged to believe in themselves and
aspire to be the best that they can be. At Wardley Primary School, we are an
inclusive school in which adults share the highest expectations of children.
Across all areas of learning, we endeavour to build upon the children’s
individual personal strengths in order to allow them to fulfil their potential.
We want every one of our pupils to believe in their own success, through the
promotion of self-belief and determination. Together, we have created a
nurturing environment where children feel safe and secure and are supported and
valued by the adults around them. Although academic success is a driving factor,
we also want our pupils to be active and healthy, both physically and
emotionally. We aim to give our pupils the skills and knowledge that they need
in order to be successful learners, good citizens and lead positive lives in our
ever-changing world. In our school, we promote resilience, ambition and
perseverance within all aspects of our vibrant and diverse curriculum. Respect
and the building of positive relationships is at the core of what we do. Our
aims are not something we believe we can achieve without building positive
relationships and working collaboratively with our parents/ carers; it is our
goal to work closely with families to enable the children to develop and improve
in the most effective way possible.