loreto college, st. stephen's green
Welcome to the Loreto College St. Stephen’s Green website. The school was
founded in 1833 in the tradition of Mary Ward (1585-1645). The Loreto principles
of Truth, Justice, Freedom, Sincerity and Joy underpin teaching and learning in
“the Green”. All our endeavours are centred in God, rooted in Christ and based
on Gospel values. The education offered in the school is holistic with an
emphasis on academia, extra-curricular activities and social justice. A keen
sense of community and collaborative teaching and learning is fostered by
everyone. Each student is recognised and celebrated for her unique talents and
gifts. Mary Ward encouraged us to “Do good and do it well”. By exploring our
website you will witness the wonderful achievements of the students and their
teachers. You will discover the joy experienced by our students in learning, in
leadership, in sport, music, art and other extra-curricular activities. You will
see how our students bear witness to the Loreto principles and become “seekers
of Truth and doers of Justice”.