the big dance company
BDC will arm dancers not just with top quality dance training and education from
our passionate in-house team and world famous guest teachers, but through local
and worldwide outreach, cultural experiences and charity work. Raising awareness
of current issues through the medium of dance, we can ensure that our dancers
are not just physically ready for a professional dance career but also fully
equipped with values, life skills and hands-on experience that will prepare them
for any career path they may choose. OUR CORE VALUES BE. KIND Nothing else will
be tolerated! Our garden will be frequently weeded to ensure our precious
flowers continue to bloom. Treat each other with love and respect. BE. AUTHENTIC
Together we will trust and respect each other for who we are. We will walk the
same path and read from the same page. BE. EQUAL We will all be given the same
respect and love regardless of colour, age, size, gender, background or status.
BE. TOGETHER To move forward we must all paddle in the same direction together
and in harmony, or we will just go round in circles. BE. PATIENT In a world
where we need everything NOW, before we speak or act, please take your time and
think: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Breathe and trust us and our
process, we are all on the same team. BE. GRATEFUL To our family, to our
teachers, to our mentors, to our class mates and to our mistakes. Gratitude
makes the world a better place, let us never forget this crucial ingredient to a
happy life and successful career. BE. A GOOD ROLE MODEL Little ears and eyes are
always learning from their big sisters and brothers, what lessons will you be
teaching the next generation? BE. YOUR WORD Reliability and trust must be our
foundations. Be your word. Trust that when we fall, we will be there to catch
each other. BE. THE BEST VERSION OF YOU That is all we can ask of each other.