the damaged goods co.
‘We all have areas of our lives that are damaged, that’s what makes us human.
It’s how we deal with those areas that truly makes us great.’ One of the
fundamental ideas at the core of The Damaged Goods Co. LTD is the understanding
that our power comes first from acceptance of the areas of our life that we know
are damaged. The moment we can accept, is the moment we can begin to not only
heal these areas, but turn them into the most beautiful parts of our lives. The
name ‘damaged goods’ has been chosen to give power to what was once perceived as
powerless, as a declaration of self awareness, to shift the narrative from: ‘A
person who is regarded as inadequate or impaired in some way’ To… ‘a person open
and aware of fractures within their emotional structure, working to strengthen
their foundation and future’. Like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, often our
strength, our story and our value comes from our vulnerabilities.